Like any conversation, you need two or more willing parties and something in common (such as the willingness to engage and share ideas around a particular topic)

Keywords: Marketing , Social Media , Small Business , Communication

If you are going to use social media, you need to approach it like you would a cocktail party with both current acquaintances and potential new friends. You don’t want to be self-centered and boring. You want to be curious about the people in the room and be a good conversationalist. Of course, you will share information, but it should be interesting stories and helpful content. Occasionally, you will make a pitch or ask to do business, but only after a healthy relationship has been established.

I never tire of saying that discussions begun in the comments thread can end up being more interesting than the blog post that sparked them


Blogging is definitely quite “accident prone” if you take it to include the glitches prevalent in WordPress and other blogging platforms. Some “accidents” can be of one’s own making. I remember writing what I felt was one of my best efforts. For some reason I did not post it immediately. Imagine my chagrin when I accidentally deleted the draft. This was after an interval of several weeks so I couldn’t remember all of it and I mourn it to this day.Finally, I completely agree with Andrew Sullivan that blogging is “writing out loud” since my style of writing has always been informal and conversational.

It is important to reach out to other people first and it is ok to feel awkward to initiate the conversation

Keywords: {0}

I was uncomfortable and it was difficult to explain my destination to him since I did not understand the transportation process, so I showed him the map so that he could easily understand and help me out. There are things such as phones, computers, and so on that actually help and improve your communication. If using your device, tool or signs can help explaining things that you can’t explain in words, I think there is nothing to be shy about. So, use it.

What we share online is not necessarily reflective of our whole reality

Keywords: wellbeing , emotional-wellbeing , self-esteem

But somehow as individuals we get away with perpetrating positive spin all the time. Maybe we don’t want to be judged for oversharing or ‘asking’ for something. But that fear of judgement blocks us from sharing our truth, and can prevent others from reaching out when we need it most. Maybe it even lets people think our lives are better than theirs, when really we are all a work in progress.

It would appear that the purpose of the landline—especially one with a number still listed in the phonebook—is to answer robo-calls

Keywords: {0}

We “old folks” pay too much for this basic lifeline, considering the kind of abuse it gets from robo-callers who never add our names to the Do Not Call list, despite their promises. But we still think it is worth it to be able to call out in an emergency.

Does this even matter?

Keywords: anorexia , bible , catholic , christianity , eating disorder , faith , family , fitness , food , god , jesus , mental health , prayer , recovery

There are ED sufferers out there who are suffering, and if, by the grace of God, one of my posts can offer the small push they need to seek professional help, or work up the courage to open up to a loved one about what they’re going through, or to find the hope that they can stick to their recovery model, or even just that they’re not as hopelessly alone as they think they are, then this blog has done what I set out for it to do, some five years ago.

All of us need to get comfortable engaging in conversation around a variety of topics – especially around ones considered taboo in the past

Keywords: Lifestyle & Relationships

In today’s fast paced technology-driven world, if you are not comfortable answering the question, it doesn’t make the question go away – it will be answered by AlexaSiri or Google Home!

Understanding how others perceive you and how you impact others has a positive effect on relationships and emotional intelligence, meanwhile you are also better at taking constructive criticism because chances are, you already know what feedback is coming

Keywords: mindset , mummyblogger , dubai , lifestyle , travel , family , work , communication , personality , introvert , business , marketing , home , selfawareness

Knowledge is power and the more you know about yourself, the more streamlined you can live your life and make informed decisions that lead to an increase in both productivity and happiness.

Asking people how they engage with people who have different political or religious views

I was sad to see that 90 percent of the people who answered said they don’t engage and move on. That makes me sad that as a society we have written off humans who do not see our views. Better known as “cancel culture”. Whether it be the left, the right, a baptist or a catholic, we as a society tend to write off anything we don’t agree with. We scoff and fester on it. We never ask questions. We make assumptions before we even speak to the person. Why do we do this? Was it when face to face conversations started dying? Has religion and politics always been a taboo subject? I do not have the answers to those questions, I would just like to focus on the up and coming. How can we get better?